09 Mar NSC Safety Show Recap
For years, we have been part of the NSC Congress & Expo, the world’s largest annual safety event. This year was a bit different due to the ongoing pandemic but that didn’t stop us from attending and holding our own booth – virtually, of course! The goal of this expo is to connect professionals from around the world to learn, network, and compare safety solutions. The virtual piece of this puzzle made this Expo different, but the goal was still met in an incredible way.
We hosted a virtual booth for current and potential customers, as well as other safety, health, and environmental professionals to interact with us, see our system in action, and find out what truly sets us apart from the rest.
As you know, workplace safety is crucial. That is becoming more true each and every year, only exacerbated by the current pandemic. From mandatory masks when you enter a business to hand sanitizer when you exit, the safety and cleanliness of all businesses are becoming more of a necessity. You need to wear the proper PPE in all industries now, not just in the medical field.
As this hard fact has come to light, so has our ability to provide the necessary equipment to keep our customers and their employees safe and sanitary, while providing the speediest shoe cover system out there. Our 3-step system can help in industries across the board – from the obvious healthcare practices and veterinary clinics to the less-thought-of industries such as cosmetics, real estate, and daycare.
Starting at the beginning, our hands-free dispensers are 7x faster than the industry standard, meaning that it takes just 5 seconds to put on a pair of shoe covers. From there, you can choose from 15 different shoe cover styles, depending on what your specific industry and job require – from anti-skid to waterproof, and everything in between, our options can fit almost any industry out there. Our shoe covers can too, with most booties being one size fits all. The last piece of our puzzle is the remover. This part is so important because our removers take the work, dirt, and germs out of taking your shoe covers off at the end of your day, shift, or before you change rooms. Our products are designed to help our customers get back to business because we know that you have more important things to do than putting on and removing shoe covers.
We’re so glad that we were able to share our system and all of its benefits with all of those who attended the NSC Safety Expo this year. We know that our shoe covers, dispensers, and removers can, and do, play a huge role in the safety of our customers. Our hands-free technology also makes our system one of the most sanitary out there. In a time when safety and proper sanitation are at the forefront of importance, we’re glad we can offer our products to those who need them most!
If you are interested in learning more about the options Shoe Cover Magic offers for your industry, reach out to us to get a custom quote!
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