Waterproof Shoe Covers

Waterproof shoe cover booties

Waterproof Shoe Covers

Shoe covers keep your shoes and environment safe and sanitary. There are many styles available today to fit your needs and the industry you are in. From anti-skid to waterproof covers, lightweight or extra-deep, and even degradable options, there is a shoe cover for any industry and every situation you may come across. For the purpose of this blog, we will focus on waterproof shoe covers, the protection they offer, and the industries in which they provide the best support. 


Waterproof shoe covers are used to protect your feet and shoes from mud, rain, dirt, debris, and puddles of water and also help to keep your environment clean and free from germs and cross-contamination. There are many industries in which waterproof shoe covers are beneficial, including but not limited to:

  • Farms and Agriculture
  • Construction rea
  • Veterinary 
  • Real Estate 
  • Daycare 
  • Hospitals/Medical 
  • Oil and Gas 
  • Food Manufacturing
  • Laundry 
  • Food Service
  • Dairy 
  • Yachts 


All of our shoe covers serve specific needs. Take a look at the three waterproof shoe booties we offer to help in the aforementioned industries, plus many more. 



Our SCMPE825 model is a light-duty, waterproof bootie that is perfect for real estate, daycares, veterinary clinics, laundry facilities, and dairy industries. It is made out of chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) which makes it a great option for light-duty projects. 


Realtors can wear this style when showing homes after a rainstorm or when working with new construction. Daycare teachers can use these styles when entering the facility after it has rained or when dealing with spills from children. Those in the laundry and dairy industries can use these whenever they are dealing with excess water, spills, or sanitation duties. Veterinarians and their staff can use these when dealing with pet visits, especially those who get nervous at the office and are prone to accidents.



This style is more durable than our SCMPE825. It is made from a durable polypropylene base layer and then coated with an additional layer of CPE. This style is extra-deep to accommodate work boots and larger shoes, making it perfect for construction, food service, farms and agriculture, oil and gas, and medical fields. 


Our SCMCP525 is also anti-static and non-skid, providing an extra layer of support and safety. 



This is our most durable shoe cover, made from polypropylene material with non-skid and non-conductive soles. It’s also super skid-resistant which allows for greater traction and friction. As a completely waterproof bootie, this style can be used across any industry that needs higher levels of protection and durability. 

Waterproof shoe covers can be used across a wide range of industries and can provide countless benefits. Our three waterproof styles range in durability and offer varying levels of protection, depending on the environment you are in. For more information or a personalized quote, call us or send an email. We’d be happy to help you stay germ-free in any water-prevalent situation.

Linda Westbrook

Linda Westbrook is the Sales Manager at Shoe Cover Magic. She has worked in Relationship Sales for over 30 years with 20+ years in Technology Solutions and Product Sales. Throughout her career, Linda has been determined to offer products that create a better work environment and improve productivity for the end-user and their organization. In her spare time, Linda loves spending time with her dog Sammy and reading. She wishes she could say she loves cooking but loves food delivery and her Total Gym.

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